The 3 Elements of Intelligent Style

15.02.24 11:27 PM By Boutique Box

Intelligent Style™ leverages the concept of emotional intelligence as it relates to the psychology of style and human behavior to give women a new playbook for getting dressed for work that amplifies their presence, power, and purpose.

Our process is grounded in behavioral psychology and more than 15 years of helping professional women define their style and evolve their wardrobe.

The BEST part of the work is when the light goes on and she sees her power + potential.

Because, while style is the catalyst, the work is ALL about helping YOU see, own and feel your power + potential.

Ultimately, it comes down to Confidence.

Confidence comes from a true inner knowing of your self. Style comes from owning that inner confidence and projecting it through your clothes and presence.

Is it time for YOU to own your power + potential with complete confidence in yourself and how you show up as a leader?

Before you make excuses (we all do when it comes to change), rest assured that it really can be as easy as 1-2-3.

Let's break it down ... 


-1- Get Grounded

Intelligent Style starts with Emotional Intelligence. 

Emotional Intelligence is awareness of your self and your awareness of your environment. 

As it relates to your style and presence: You can dress the part and look the part, but what happens when you don’t feel the part? You come across as inauthentic and thus untrustworthy. Maybe you look like you fit in, but there is something subconscious that those around you pick up as being incongruent with what you're saying. 

To create buy-in as a leader, people need to trust what you’re saying is true. BS-ing doesn’t get you very far. Neither does ‘fake it ’til you make it’ if you don’t believe it.

You have to start with the inner work to get clear and confident before you even address the outer part of how you show up as a leader.

Consider these two questions:

  1. How do you want to FEEL in each situation?
  2. How do you want others to feel in your presence as a leader?

BONUS: Doing this work will also guide you to the places where it is fully safe to BE yourself. 

 -2- Get Clarity

Ultimately, what you wear DOES matter. To you. Studies have shown that you wear not only influences how others perceive you, but more important it influences how you feel about yourself. 

So, how do you get clear?

Create a Style Vision Board. 

When designers start a new collection, this is the first thing they do. They call it a mood board, but it's the same idea. This mood board is to define the essence of the collection. This is what you're going to do for yourself and your style.

Creating this, too, is as easy as 1-2-3: 

  1. Find images that inspire you. These are NOT clothes, outfits, or people wearing clothes you think you like. These are images such as your favorite room, an image from a travel adventure, your favorite place to be, architecture, art, nature, etc. These images together start to tell a story -- your story. 
  2. ID the Essence of your Vision. Is there a theme with the colors? The vibe? The locations? With the images gathered together are there words that come to mind that feel like you?
  3. Save it somewhere. This could be a folder on your phone or something you frame to add to your closet so you're always reminded of the vibe you're creating for your highest self and style.


-3- Get in ACTION!

As Nike says -- Just Do It!

Step 2 can be very esoteric up to a point (unless you opt into support with Boutique Box — congrats, you’re already in ACTION!).

Step 3 cannot be ignored or you’ll stay stuck in the mode of ‘closet full of clothes and nothing to wear’ and frustration … wearing the same thing every day (or some iteration of the same) because, whatever, it works! That’s not a very powerful place to come from as you show up as a leader.

Change happens one step at a time. So yes, once again, 1-2-3 ... 

So get into action:

  1. GO INTO YOUR CLOSET AND ID AT LEAST 5 PIECE YOU LOVE. All caps because this is important. Analyze and ID what you love about these pieces. You're going to ONLY bring more of what you love into your closet going forward. 

  2. CLEAR OUT AT LEAST 5 PIECES YOU BOUGHT TO FILL A NEED BUT NEVER WEAR. They served their purpose. Thank them and let them go. (You can release more than 5, but it's a good starting point.) They can be donated, re-sold, or recycled. 

  3. CREATE A WARDROBE ACTION PLAN. And only buy 1 or 2 pieces at a time. ID what will add value, what's missing, and what you want more of so that you are already prepared for any last minute event or meeting. 

The reason why you have those pieces in your closet that you wore once for that specific event is because you weren't prepared and haven't curated a closet that mixes and matches. With a Wardrobe Action Plan (and especially with leveraging Boutique Box to outsource this for you), you are clear on what you are looking for and can prioritize it to your calendar and career goals. 

If finding those pieces to curate your Intelligent Wardrobe feels like too much work, the Boutique Box Membership does it for you.  The investment is $250/year and we'll guide you to create your profile (a process also designed to create clarity). Then, each month we'll recommend 1-2 pieces perfect for you from our emerging designer partners.

Boutique Box